Thursday, March 20, 2014

Akwaaba, Welcome, Welcome!

Just remember, blogging on my phone is not fun.
Arrived in Takoradi after a very pleasant three and a half hour trip from Accra.  Joe was a wonderful driver as well as tourist guide.  There was so much to see, didnt even have time to read or crochet.  We passed through police checkpoints since we are close to the border, saw the ocean along the way with very poor housing all around.  Gives a new name to beach front property.  We even saw a few Liberian refugee camps from the time of Charles Taylor. (That's another story for another time).
After arriving in town, Christian checked us into Sammar Lodge, a very spacious room, and it was off to school.  It is very important to Ghanaians that we felt welcome and the "akwabaas" were warmly flowing from everyone we met.  The appropriate response is "media base".  Now you know almost as much Fante as I.  We met Mary, the headmistress, Theodora, an assistant headmistress, and "big mama" or "mma abs" the domestic headmistress.  We were immediately warmly embraced literally and figuratively.  It was over 95 degrees and see were on the third floor.
 I don't have time or space to mention everyone, I just hope I can remember even dome.  We were served delicious stew by the delightful girls below.
After lunch we had a great opportunity to interact.  I was explaining US geography and drew a very accurate detailed map, OK maybe I didn't.  They laughed and said their teacher would give me a very bad grade.
The girls were cute when they couldn't agree on which part of Ghana was the best because they come from different ones among Ghana's ten regions.  Can't wait for more such interaction.
Christian took us shopping for necessities such as bottled water and snacks, dinner then home to unpack and relax.  He kept reiterating how excited he is for us to be here and wants everything to be perfect and it is.  Well, except for my computer.....
Mema Wo Adwe (good night) until tomorrow.


  1. Everyone seems so kind in Ghana! Glad you have this opportunity to witness and teach here.

  2. Technology that doesn't work? I'm truly surprised!
